Recycle your used Toner Cartridges at Computerbank

Toner recycling boxes are located inside Computerbank’s front door. Next time you drop off some recycling bring along your used toner cartridges as well. When full the Planet Ark boxes are collected by Close the Loop for processing at their state of the art recycling plant in Somerton. The toner waste is processed into eco wood, rulers and pens, the aluminium is recycled into cans and other items.

Cartridges  4 Planet Ark is supported by the major ink manufacturers and has been running for 12 years. 28,000,000 cartridges have been collected, have you been recycling your used inks and cartridges responsibly?

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About the Author: Computerbank

Computerbank is a self funding charity run by volunteers that has been is committed to bridging the ‘digital divide’ and making computing accessible to those less fortunate in our society.